Advice on the Armed Forces pay network compromise
There has been a compromise to an Armed Forces payment network. This page provides guidance for those affected.
There has been a compromise to an Armed Forces payment network. The Defence Secretary has updated Parliament. This is an external network, separate to MOD’s core systems, and is not connected to the main military HR system – JPA. This is operated by a contractor. All functions within the JPA system have continued securely throughout.
This incident potentially impacts personal data of current regular and reservist personnel and a small number of veterans. The data includes names and bank details, and for a small proportion of individuals, addresses. Address data may be place of work, administration address, or home address. Those whose home address is identified are in the process of being written to.
MyHR is not affected by this incident. Payment details of Civil Servants and members of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary are not affected.
Initial investigations have found no evidence that any data has been removed from the network, but we will continue to investigate, working closely with other agencies. We have also launched a full review, drawing on specialist external and Cabinet Office support and expertise. We are also investigating potential failings by the contractor.
More information on support - GOV.UK website