On the 29th of November 2023, a team of 50 from the British Army celebrated the culmination of the Journey Around the Earth (JATE23) challenge at an event at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. It was truly a bag of mixed feeling, happy to have successfully completed the challenge but sad not having that JATE23 goal anymore. The event created a lovely lively community fibe, through this challenge, and it is hoped the group will continue to find new challenges to chase after.

Colonel of Gurkha Staff and Personnel Support (GSPS) Brigadier Andrew Griffiths OBE, thanks all the participants for their commitment, dedication, perseverance, patience and belief that everyone would successfully reach the end goal. They completed 24,901 miles within 90 days and raised £6200 for the GSPS Returning 2 Roots (R2R) Initiative. A cheque of £5000 was presented to the Gurkha Welfare Trust which will help GSPS to secure an earthquake resistance home for a vulnerable Welfare Pensioner in Keshavtar Tanahun, Nepal. The Regiment plan is for one of the junior soldiers to handover the keys to this home in the new year.

Corporal Rabin Gurung (GSPS) led the challenge, which was certainly not for the faint hearted, and he was presented Colonel GSPS and Staff and Personnel Support Coins of Excellence.