This year’s prestigious awards of Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers were awarded to 36 Engineers Regiment & The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers. The awards were presented by the Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceiliers on 10th Jun 24 at Stationers’ Hall, London.

  • Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers Field Army Award – Sapper Bir Dhan Rai, 69 Gurkha Field Squadron. This award is given to soldiers in recognition of the superb contribution that they make to Crafts, whether on operation, in barracks on self-help tasks or UKRes RESCRIPT


  • Best at Trade Award – Sapper Lizan Chhantyal, 67 Gurkha Field Squadron. This award is given to the best Carpenters and Joiners during Class one trade training.
36 Engineer Regiment and The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers - Achievement
36 Engineer Regiment and The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers - Achievement
36 Engineer Regiment and The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers - Achievement