As an integral part of 104 Theatre Sustainment Brigade, 94 Squadron QOGLR deployed to facilitate Theatre Enablement Group (TEG) Logistic RV with its own deployed server. The aim of the operation was to aid 3 Commando Logistic Brigade, 16 Air Assault Brigade, JFHQ and other detached units in returning their equipment and supplies from Sudan back to the UK. 30 personnel were deployed to achieve this mission under the leadership of Lieutenant Brandon Langridge and Warrant Officer Class Two Lokbahadur Thapa.
Upon arrival in Cyprus, we established a theatre logistic RV. Our main role was to receive stores and equipment from extracting units and make sure they had their relevant paperwork to be tracked on the VITAL system and then sent back to the UK. Since the Brigades were deployed on short notice, this did bring with some complications, but by applying a good system and following policy we were able to deliver.

94 Squadron also had to work alongside the staff in charge of movement and medical suppliers, working closely with relevant unit representatives to ensure their items were correctly labelled and recorded onto our VITAL system to be tracked and then moved onto the air cargo pallets. To improve work productivity and efficiency the team was split into two different shifts working 24/7. We created circa 1400 deployment packages and 45 package departure records worth an estimated value of £24.2 million. During Operation POLAR BEAR, we received the high-profile visitors including 104 Brigade Commander, Brigadier King and Deputy Chief of Staff Joint Forces Headquarters, who were both impressed with our work ethic and gave us positive feedback.
Once most of the stores and equipment were all processed and tracked on the VITAL system Lieutenant Langridge provided us opportunities to go on educational visits and adventure training to make the most of the opportunity of being deployed to Cyprus. For our educational visit we went to the archaeological sites of Nea Paphos and Aphrodite’s Rock, where we learned some historical facts about Cyprus and its culture. We then went to Dhekelia water sports centre where everyone had the opportunity to try out paddle boarding, kayaking, wakeboard, and water-skiing.
It was a great opportunity to deploy on operation and demonstrate our trade skills and knowledge. We gained a lot of experience from this deployment, especially the junior soldiers and we look forward to deploying on future Operations.
By Private Top Bahadur Pun and Private Kyanet Budha Magar, Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment