On the 29th of June, it was fantastic for the Brigade of Gurkhas to be able to hold their annual Sounding Retreat and Dinner Night in the Old College, Sandhurst once again. Fine Nepalese food, great music from the Gurkha Band and Pipes and Drums.
Serving members of the Brigade of Gurkhas and guests gathered for a small cocktail party on Old College parade square. Time to catch up with friends and colleagues from across the Brigade, many present had joined together over the last 20+ years and appreciate the time to catch up with the ‘numberies’ from their own basic training time.

The Band of the Brigade of Gurkhas and Pipes and Drums from across the Brigade then took centre stage and performed a marching band display, followed by the Sounding Retreat ceremony and National Anthems of the United Kingdom and Nepal.

At the end of the evening our Colonel Commandant, Lieutenant General Richard Wardlaw OBE, praised the Brigade for the great work and multiple successes in all areas over the last 12 months. Including the very recent The Royal Gurkha Rifles’ successes at the Army Operational Shooting Competition at Bisley.
He then went on to talk about the importance of our 4 Pillars community of the Gurkha Museum, The Gurkha Welfare Trust, the Gurkha Brigade Association and the serving Brigade. All four play a key role and work together to support the Gurkha brand, serving and veterans.

The principal guest for the evening was the Ambassador of Nepal to the UK, His Excellency Mr. Gyan Chandra Acharya who assumed his responsibilities as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Nepal to the United Kingdom on the 23rd February 2022 and presented his credentials to Her Majesty The Queen on the 31st of March 2022.
Photographs by Mr Mick Latter @mick_latter