Project KITAB SAMSODHAN was delivered by the Brigade Culture and Language Team (BCLT). The aim of the project was to revamp and improve the current Nepali language learning package.
The BCLT delivers two Survival Nepali Culture and Language Courses (SNCLC) in Brigade of Gurkhas (BG) Pokhara, three Foundation Nepali Culture and Language Courses in Headquarters Brigade of Gurkhas, two Introductory Nepali Culture and Language Courses in BG Kathmandu, and a number of outreach courses across the Brigade of Gurkhas in the United Kingdom and Brunei as and when there is a need.
The six week project focussed on making the necessary improvements based on valuable student feedback. The outdated contents within the language booklets were removed and the books redesigned to make them more engaging and current. Additionally, the team also sought valuable assistance from Mr. Prembahadur Kunwar, a Masters degree holder in English Linguistics and Literature who had been teaching Nepali to foreigners since 2003. He has atrack record of teaching Nepali language to many British Army Officers and non-Nepalese families at Pokhara camp.
With the project now complete, the team aims to deliver these meaningful improvements in the forthcoming language courses.