Soldiering on Awards 2024 – Vote for Hari Budha Magar MBE

Born on a cowshed in a remote village in western Nepal, going to school barefoot, and growing up during a civil war, Hari Budha Magar joined the Brigade of Gurkhas aged 19 and served for 15 years. In 2010, whilst on a foot patrol in Afghanistan, Hari lost both legs to an IED.

On the 19th of May 2023, Hair achieved a lifelong dream, After overturning a Nepal Government ban in the Supreme Court, developing prototype prosthetics and raising the funds for the attempt, Hari, became the first double above-knee amputee to summit Mount Everest. It was just the beginning of Hari’s bigger mission to change perceptions of people with disabilities around the world.

Over the coming years, Hari aims to fundraise the height of Mount Everest plus two zeros for veterans and military charities – £884,900 – as he looks to conquer the remaining Seven summits of the highest mountains on each continent and continue to motivate individuals to climb their own mountain whatever that may be.

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Soldiering on Awards 2024 - Vote for Hari Budha Magar MBE
Soldiering on Awards 2024 - Vote for Hari Budha Magar MBE

Soldiering on Awards 2024 website

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