The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS), renowned for producing finest leaders in the world, culminates its rigorous officer training program with an intense final exercise, known as Exercise Dynamic Victory (Ex DV). Held in Germany, this exercise serves as the ultimate test of cadet’s skills, endurance and leadership abilities.
The prime roles of GCS during Ex DV are Tower Commander, Ammunition Commander, Safety during Live Firing Tactical Training (LFTT) and most importantly gunners during their most demanding and challenging phase, the final exercise phase, deploying with the troops and operating troops under command.
I had an opportunity to deploy as Gun Commander during the July 2024 Ex DV. The Exercise was physically demanding and also equally mentally challenging. As a Junior NCO I also got to learn a lot of things from the aspiring officers. As a gun commander I was operating so closely with the officer cadets and witnessing them planning, preparing and delivering to achieve the best results. Communication was key, I had to ensure that orders were clear and understood, and I needed to brief my team afterwards making sure everyone knows the battle picture and is situationally aware
Completing Eercise DV was a privilege and a wonderful experience. It not only tested my own skills and leadership, but also provided me an opportunity to contribute to the development of the next generation of British Army officers.